
Showing posts from September, 2019

Filter exercise


Fear project/ 3 doors


Inside Me


Lost In The World Like Me- Questions

1.)  The general premise of the video is that there is more to the world than just our cell phones, and that we should take a break from using our phones to discover more to the world. 2.) The video is conveying because it makes you actually think that all people are doing is watching their phone screen, and basing their life off of it, and in addition to the previous statement made people aren't really seeing what is actually there. 3.) I think that this is a warning to this situation because people go on social media and start to cause problems. In addition, people text their friends instead of going up to them and socializing because it might seem "easier to them". Our society is caught up in the moment and on their phones all the time that they have no idea what is actually going on around them.

Composition Final + Index


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