Fear project/ 3 doors


  1. 1. I think the fear being portrayed is losing your family.
    2. I think this picture conveys this very well because it shows what would be a normal family dinner but she's alone. The girl has her head down which shows that she's upset so it helps to convey the fear.
    3. I really like that she's wearing a red shirt. It makes her stand out and become the focal point.
    4. I think if her head was all the way down and rested on the table it would've shown a deeper sadness. If the picture was really dull or black and white other than the focal point I also think that would deeper the meaning and show how alone and sad the image is supposed to be.

  2. 1. the fear i think is that your'e afraid of being alone.
    2. you conveyed this really well, right away i knew it had something to do with family or being alone.
    3. i really like how you should emotion with just a photo. actions speak louder than words.
    4.i feel like if you just rested your whole body, it would make it give an even bigger affect.

  3. 1. I think your fear is conveyed well because it shows that your afraid of losing your parents.
    2. I feel your project is successful because it showed how your fear was conveyed and made a clear example of your fear.
    3. I like your idea of how you put together your fear:).
    4. You should of made it black and white to make it more depressing.


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