Part 2 questions to Gottfried Helnwein's photo

Part 2: 

- The change in the viewpoint can change my interpretation of the image because the picture shows he whole face instead of just the only eye section. 

- I see a little girl, but she looks depressed and sad. The photo only shows her face and not her body to express more emotions, and attract the audience to her facial expression. The size can affect the meaning because if you only see a little part of an image you don't get the whole meaning. While if you see the whole image you can get a better understanding of what the image is trying to convey to the audience. I feel as though this image is a contiguous image because it is sharing a common emotion which is depression or sadness. I think that this photo is located in an industrial area because I can see that there is graffiti at the top of the building. Also I have seen areas like this in the city before. I think that people that drive trucks will see this because you can see ports for a truck to load and unload items under the little girl's face. The expression on the little girl's face is sadness, and you can even see that her eyes are tearing up. I think that the title suggests that the little girl could be the last one in her family or the last girl where she lives, because there is only men painting this image.
