Letter to Past Self

     Dear Past Self,

     To succeed in the future classes of Photography 1, you must very patient in everything you do. Sometimes you might not get what you want and you can't just give up. You have to keep going and pushing through. You might get lazy and do a project that isn't good enough, but just remember to take your time with these projects. When taking photos make sure the lighting is good, and take the photos from different perspectives. Look for symmetry,and use the grid lines to make a photo more straight. When using Photoshop don't get frustrated and not ask for help. Get tips online or even ask someone around you for their help. You can be very creative if you think outside the box, and put fourth effort. But if you don't put fourth any effort, you won't do the good work that you know you can do. Go adventure around and find ideas and think of new things for projects. If you just sit around and not focus on your work, you won't do good. So don't wait until the last minute to do your projects, or take pictures. Over time you will get better at this and thinking of new ideas, and get better at photoshop. For example, at the beginning of the year you did the "Back to School" project, you had no idea what to do or how it should look like. You didn't even know how to use anything on Photoshop. Now you know how some things work; you also know how to use Photoshop and take pictures using different perspectives and angles. Although you may get upset about things and how they turn out. Just remember if you turn it in, you are saying that, that is the best work you could do.

Back to School project (using Photoshop)

Forced Perspective (without using photoshop)
